In the ever-evolving field of dental restorations, the quest for an optimal blend of screw and cement retention has remained a persistent challenge.
In 2015, Young-Ku Heo and Y. Lim proposed an innovative solution with their newly designed screw- and cement-retained implant prosthesis (SCRP) system. Their pioneering work laid the groundwork for subsequent research, including the systematic review conducted by Katia Sarafidou, DDS, MSc, PhD, and her team, which delved into the realm of screwmentable implant-supported prostheses.
In this article, we embark on a journey through the world of screwmentable implant-supported prostheses, exploring both the advantages and limitations.

What are Screwmentable Implant-Supported Prostheses?
Screwmentable implant-supported prostheses represent a revolutionary dental restoration approach that ingeniously combines the merits of both screw and cement retention methods.
Screwmentable implant-supported prostheses feature strategically placed screw holes on the occlusal surface, providing clinicians with the flexibility to utilize either screw retention or cement retention based on individual patient needs.
This adaptability ensures personalized and tailored solutions for diverse clinical scenarios.
Advantages of Screwmentable Implant-Supported Prostheses:
Systematic review by Sarafidou et al. have shed light on the manifold advantages of screwmentable implant-supported prostheses:
Passive Fit: At the heart of screwmentable implant-supported prostheses lies the ability to achieve a passive fit, ensuring optimal stability and mitigating the risks of complications such as screw loosening or implant component failure.
Retrievability: With ease of retrieval and replacement, screwmentable implant-supported prostheses enable clinicians to perform maintenance, adjustments, and repairs when required, contributing to the longevity and success of the restoration.
Excess Cement Control: Addressing a common issue with traditional cement-retained restorations, screwmentable implant-supported prostheses minimize the presence of subgingival excess cement, promoting improved peri-implant health and durability.
Tissue-Friendly Emergence Profile: The design of screwmentable implant-supported prostheses fosters a seamless integration with the surrounding soft tissues, ensuring a natural and aesthetically pleasing result.
Improved Esthetics: Merging the advantages of screw and cement retention, screwmentable implant-supported prostheses offer patients enhanced smile aesthetics and heightened satisfaction with the restoration.
Limitations of Screwmentable Implant-Supported Prostheses: Exploring the Systematic Review
In the systematic review conducted by Sarafidou et al., the authors conscientiously acknowledged the limitations of screwmentable implant-supported prostheses.
Limited Clinical Evidence: The review highlighted the scarcity of well-designed clinical trials, underscoring the need for further research to establish the long-term clinical behavior of screwmentable implant-supported prostheses.
Heterogeneity in Manufacturing and Materials: The included studies displayed significant heterogeneity concerning the manufacturing process and materials used, potentially affecting the consistency of outcomes.
Complexity in Placement: The utilization of screwmentable implant-supported prostheses demands meticulous planning and execution, necessitating informed decisions about the most suitable retention method, tailored to individual patient considerations.
The introduction of screwmentable implant-supported prostheses, inspired by Heo and Lim's groundbreaking SCRP system, marks a significant milestone in the domain of dental restorations.
With their advantages of passive fit, retrievability, excess cement control, tissue-friendly emergence profile, and improved esthetics, these restorations hold great promise in prosthodontics.
Nevertheless, the limitations emphasized in the systematic review serve as a reminder of the importance of continuous research and comprehensive clinical trials to further validate the efficacy and long-term performance of screwmentable implant-supported prostheses.
Original work published in The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry: Screwmentable implant-supported prostheses: A systematic review by Katia Sarafidou, DDS, MSc, PhD, Georgia Vasileiadi, DDS, Marilena Kalliopi Louvrou, DDS, Eirini Moldovani, Petros Koidis, DDS, MSc, PhD, Maria Kokoti, DDS, MSc, PhD, and Athina Bakopoulou, DDS, PhD